Wednesday, July 18, 2007


You know, this Summer Course is not just about lectures, tasks and learning... Last weekend we spent on a field trip, visiting Ohrid, the lake and the town near the lake, famous touristic destination for both foreign and Macedonian tourists. I was impressed by its beauty and size - that lake is realy huge! The place of the same name is beautiful, too, and attracts the attention with both its stone fortification and the ancient part of town and nice restaurants, where you can try original Macedonian and the other world-known specialities, with its souvenir shops, beaches, bars and parks... There are some old houses and churches, with very rich collection of icons. I found it totally interesting because my father paints the icons in his free time, so I' m surrounded by them ever since... That' s the reason of putting one of those on my blog. You can see it if you scroll down the blog, on the right side.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hello world!

=) yo people! 'Hope you like what you see ;-)
Well, here I am, on my 5th lesson on the International Summer Course. These two weeks we' re dealing with teaching tools for online education and training. That' s one of the most popular debate topics today among people involved in learning methodology. It' s pretty interesting, though, as well to the people who are just curious and would like to know more about it. I'm referring here to the students and teachers who are the main characters of this story. be continued...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Ovo ce biti zabavno!

Evo me u srcu Makedonije, u Bitoli, gradicu poznatom po velikom broju konzulata, uz samu granicu s Grckom. Jos je zanimljivija cinjenica da sam ovdje zapravo na tecaju tj. dvotjednoj ljetnoj skoli, pod nazivom "Teaching tools for online education and training". Vruce je, jer ipak je srpanj, pa ljetno sunce zari i pali bez milosti :) u organizaciji ATA nizozemske organizacije, Bitola je domacin ovogodisnjeg programa koji okuplja mlade iz cijele Europe. Sto je potaknulo mlade da se prijave, spakiraju kofere i dodju?
Izazov upoznavanja novih prijatelja, novih jezika, novih kultura, novih svjetonazora, novih uvjeta, stjecu se nova znanja, razvijaju nove vjestine, i , sto je najvaznije, garantirana dobra zabava.